Click through June's ministry timeline.

Happy New Year!


Elementary Years

Summer Camp

High School

Southern Methodist University

Directed the Jr. High Division at My Church
Fresh out of college, I began leading the Jr. High department at my church in Dallas. Enrollment was 650. (Gulp.) I served in this capacity until 1971, when I began leading the College & Career department.

Toured Viet Nam with the USO
At rehearsals prior to departing on our United Services Organization (USO) singing tour.

Appeared on NBC’s "Today" Show with Barbara Walters
An early publicity shot. It would be fun to have a tape of the actual show, but I’m afraid it’s long gone.

Performed at the Dove Awards
Back stage with mom at the ceremony honoring “outstanding achievements and excellence in Christian and Gospel Music.”

Sang at a Billy Graham Crusade
Snapped at a Jackson, Mississippi crusade, this AP Wire photo, which traveled across America, carried the caption: “Singing in the Rain.”

Released my first music recording
“Whisper of My Heart” was released on vinyl!

Taught Bible Studies in My Living Room
I taught weekly Bible studies in my home for 15 years, beginning in the early 80s, with 30-40 singles squeezed into my living/dining areas. Later, married couples came too.

Founded Hope For The Heart
It was author and speaker Jan Silvious’ idea, not mine, to start Hope For The Heart.

News of Our 1st Broadcast
A newspaper heralds the beginning of “Hope For The Heart” on 23 stations, including WMBW. That very first broadcast aired on March 3, my mom’s birthday.

Won Our 1st NRB Award – "Best New Broadcast"
The National Religious Broadcasters honored Hope For The Heart with its Genesis Award for “Best New Broadcast.”

Instructed Precept International Ministries Workshops
In addition to leading Hope For The Heart, from 1986 to 1988, I led inductive Bible study conferences across the USA and Canada.

Our Early Radio Broadcasts Originated from My Home
Broadcasting from home made for some interesting acoustics. On-air conversations were often interrupted as airplanes roared by overhead.

Began Teaching "Counseling Through The Bible"
I wrote and taught twice-weekly “Counseling Through The Bible” studies from 1989 to 1992, covering
96 topics in six 16-week semesters. Our teaching schedule was so ambitious that my assistant would sometimes finish and then hand me my overhead transparencies seconds before I needed to put them on the projector to teach. “Counseling Through The Bible” formed the foundation for today’s “Biblical Counseling Library.”

Published "Counseling Through The Bible" 5-Volume Set
With 96 topics originally, the 5-volume set of Biblical Counseling Keys (renamed “Keys for Living”) now includes 100 topics. The Keys have since been translated into more than 30 languages, for use in 60 countries on 6 continents.

Named "Broadcast Ministry of the Year" by NRB
The National Religious Broadcasters honored us again, this time with its “Broadcast Ministry of the Year” award.

My First "Real" Studio: A Discarded Pizza Hut Refrigerator
In the early 90s, we moved the broadcast from my home into an old Pizza Hut refrigerator, equipped with extra soundproofing, where I hosted the broadcasts for the next 19 years.

Expanded Ministry Internationally
Newfoundland, Canada, was our first broadcast outside the United States.

Elected to the Board of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB)
The NRB (and I) believe religious liberty is the cornerstone of a free society, and that we must protect our freedoms so that the transforming reality of Jesus Christ can reach hearts and minds the world over.

Launched "Counseling Corner" Newspaper Column
The Dallas/Ft. Worth Heritage newspaper added my column as a regular feature.

Joined the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)
Hope For The Heart has been an ECFA member since 1993, upholding the highest standards of financial stewardship for Christian ministry.

Expanded International Broadcasting
HOPE broadcasts expand into Europe, Africa, Central America and Mexico.

Began Responding to Radio-Caller Questions on "Hope for the Heart – Online"
Our little broadcast team gathers to pray for our new broadcast – the precursor to “Hope in The Night.”

Night Owls Unite!
From 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. (Central), Jim Cress co-hosted “Hope in The Night” with me for 18 years, until he began working his private counseling practice full-time in 2014. Since Jim’s departure, Rich Hooper and Jeff Oliver (in chronological order) have since ably served as my co-host.

Hosted 1st USA Bible Conference: "Missing Pieces"
The precursor to our Biblical Counseling Institutes, now called Biblical Counseling Intensives.

Ask "Granny Ruth"
For certain topics, mom (known affectionately as “Granny Ruth”) would join me on the broadcast. The audience loved her.

Led conferences in Russia, Romania and Ukraine

Launched "Moment of Hope"
Now called Hope Minute, these are 60-second inspirational radio spots.

Kicked Off "Hope For The Heart" Moscow
In-studio with Natasha Chetverina, host of HOPE’s first Russian broadcast, originating from Moscow.

Spoke at a Billy Graham Crusade
My topic for Amsterdam 2000 in The Netherlands: “Counseling as a Doorway to Evangelism.”

Began Publishing the "Biblical Counseling Library"
Dr. Bill Bright, the late founder of Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) once told me our Biblical Counseling Library is to people-helpers what a law library is to lawyers. “You don’t need to know everything in the library, so long as you have access to it when you need it,” he said. This prompted me to rename our “Counseling Through The Bible” 5-volume set the “Biblical Counseling Library.” It now contains 100 topics, each organized by “Definitions, Characteristics, Causes, and Steps to Solution.” Biblical…systematic…practical.

Released "Heart of the Matter" Series Audio/Print Resource
Sets include multiple audio CDs, a HopeBook (the Keys content formatted to fit into a plastic case) and 10 Scripture Memory Cards. Available for 40 of the 100 “Biblical Counseling Keys” topics.

Cancer Struck
Just weeks after 9/11, I came face-to-face with my own personal terrorist – cancer. A flood of love and practical support formed the basis for my book “Caring for a Loved One with Cancer.” Here Suzanne, whose mother also suffered from cancer, helps me with lunch.

“My” Hair after Chemo
After chemotherapy caused my hair to fall out, I wore these two wigs. The experience was one of many I later wrote about in my book “Caring for a Loved One with Cancer.” (Photo from 2011)

Began Leading the "Biblical Counseling Institute"
Our monthly “Biblical Counseling Institute” (BCI) started at the request of the Criswell College as an outreach to the community. The BCIs have since been renamed “Biblical Counseling Intensives.”

Began Training Laypeople in Peer-to-Peer Counseling in the Former Soviet Union
Witnessing the universal hunger for biblical hope and practical help reminds us that “it’s a small world, after all.”

Released "Shelter Under His Wings" Audio CD
I sing and speak 50 of the Psalms to promote peaceful relaxation

Kicked Off Abortion Recovery Ministry
Created to help women and families transcend the trauma of abortion. In 2005, our peer-to-peer training began in the U.S. Since then, we’ve added manuals (now in their 4th edition) for both participants and trainers.

Revved Up "Ride for Life" Benefits Pregnancy Resource Centers
For years, this annual fundraiser helped us train more than 1,000 PRC volunteers and staff across the country and donate $1 million worth of our practical counseling materials. The owners of this “trike” – a favorite at our ride – took me for a spin.

Golf Tournament with a Herd o' Dallas Cowboys
Dallas Cowboy football greats graciously supported our charitable golf tournament, launched in 2003. Pictured at our 2004 event, from left: Charlie Waters, Cliff Harris, me, Roger Staubach and Walt Garrison. The event raised funds to gift our materials to Pregnancy Resource Centers.

To Russia ... with Love!
I visited Russia after “Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes” was published there, and after Volume 1 (of 5) of our “Biblical Counseling Library” was voted “Best Inspirational Book of the Year” in 2002. The book was entered in the contest without our knowledge, and I was stunned by the honor!!

At Our American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) Booth
AACC’s international conferences draw about 6,000 attendees to Nashville every other year, while national conferences are held in between. I’ve been teaching AACC workshops since 2000.

Hope's 1st – And (So Far) Only – Ministry Cruise
F-F-F-reezing is more fun with friends! Pictured with me in Alaska are Hope staff members Elizabeth (center) and Barbara.

Continuing Education Credits Become Available for Hope BCIs
By partnering with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), teachers can get professional continuing education credits for attending Biblical Counseling Institutes (now called Biblical Counseling Intensives).

Released "Biblical Counseling Library" on CD ROM
Containing all 100 “Biblical Counseling Keys” (now called “Keys for Living” – searchable online by key words – plus 100s of Bibles, concordances, commentaries, maps, books and other study aids.

Released "How to Forgive ... When You Don't Feel Like It"
For those trapped under a landslide of pain, here’s how to find true freedom through forgiveness.

Embarked on My 1st Media Tour: "How to Forgive ... When You Don't Feel Like It"
On the set of “It’s Time for Herman & Sharron” in Florida

Earned Master of Arts in Counseling Degree
After decades of offering “God’s truth for today’s problems,” it’s official: I’m a counselor!

Released "How to Handle Your Emotions"
Help for anger, depression, fear, grief, rejection and self-worth

Groundbreaking for The Hope Center
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Including operating heavy machinery?)
Moments before hopping into the driver’s seat of a backhoe to break ground for offices for Hope For The Heart and more than 50 other Christian ministries.

Re-released "Seeing Yourself Through God's Eyes"
Our top-selling 31-day devotional was first self-published in 1989. Today it’s used by thousands of Celebrate Recovery leaders, Stephen Ministry leaders, professional counselors and other “people helpers” worldwide.

Released "Counseling Through Your Bible Handbook"
Biblical hope and practical help for 50 everyday problems.

Received "New Life/New Friends" Award from Council for Life
For helping empower women to make life-affirming choices when faced with an unplanned pregnancy.

Received "Excellence in Communication" Award from Christian Women in Media
CWIMA is a professional association connecting women who work in TV, radio, internet, film, publishing, music and arts & entertainment.

Received Eli Lilly "Reintegration Award"
With actress Anna Pearce (aka Patty Duke), who participated in honoring our “Hope in The Night” broadcast for “imparting coping skills, acceptance, and understanding to the mentally ill and their caregivers.”

Moved the ministry into The Hope Center
Hope For The Heart is The Hope Center’s anchor tenant. I also have the great privilege of being the Center’s Founder and Chief Servant Officer.

Hopeworks Offers In-Person On-Site Counseling
Licensed professional counselors offer compassionate care and sound guidance based on biblical truth and psychological wisdom. Located in The Hope Center, Hopeworks provides a safe and judgment-free environment where people receive the guidance and tools needed to heal, grow, and achieve their goals.

¡Si, Hablamos Espanol!
Walk-in Hope-affiliated counseling centers opened throughout Mexico. Today, 400 Spanish-language radio stations broadcast HOPE in 20 countries.

Released "Bonding with Your Teen through Boundaries"
First published in 2001, the book contains parent-tested, step-by-step advice to establish boundaries and build a lasting relationship based on trust, respect, self-control and love.

Received "Media Award for International Strategic Partnerships"
From the National Religious Broadcasters, recognizing our work in 27 languages and 60 countries on 6 continents. (Pictured: Ron Harris, SVP, Strategic Partnerships for NRB; me; Phil Prather, Hope’s former International Ministry Director; and Bill Blount, President, Blount Communications Systems.)

Released "How to Rise Above Abuse"
Find victory for victims of 5 types of abuse – childhood sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, verbal & emotional abuse, victimization and wife abuse.

Celebrated Hope’s 25th Anniversary
I was “gently roasted” at a weekend gala to commemorate Hope’s 25th anniversary. Expanding on the metaphor of hope being an “anchor for the soul,” Crossway Publishers playfully named me “Anchorwoman of the Year.

Released "How to Defeat Harmful Habits"
Find freedom from addictive behaviors, including alcohol & drug abuse, anorexia & bulimia, gambling, overeating, sexual addiction – and help for breaking any harmful habit.

Re-released "Caring for a Loved One with Cancer"
Practical, hard-to-find tips and advice from my own battle with cancer. (Originally published in 2003.)

Released "Hope for Your Heart"
Our flagship trade book celebrates 25 years of helping people “find strength in life’s storms.”

"Hope is Here" 25th Anniversary Tour
I hit the road in 2011 to celebrate Hope’s 25th anniversary, meeting with friends and supporters across the USA and around the world.

Launched "Power of Hope" Luncheon Series
A series of topical brown bag luncheons at The Hope Center

Celebrated our 100th Hope Biblical Counseling Institute
… since 2002.

Toured Europe & The Middle East
As of 2011, Hope ministered in 30 languages and 60 countries on 6 continents, including Albania, where I’m pictured greeting attendees at a women’s Bible conference.

WDCX named "Hope In The Night" "Talk Show of the Year"
Some of “Hope in The Night’s” largest listening audiences are on the East Coast. Here’s the coverage map for WDCX Radio, based in Buffalo, NY. They like to “keep it real” … and so do I!

Received AACC’s "Caregiver Award" for Lifetime Achievement
From my peers at the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) for “unique and outstanding contributions to Christian counseling and care-giving.”

Received NRB's "Board of Directors Award"
From the National Religious Broadcasters for “integrity, creativity and making a significant impact on society.”

Released the Gift Edition of “Seeing Yourself Through God's Eyes”
One of our top-selling resource, a powerful 31-day devotional, received a new look. A padded cover, smaller size and bookmark make it an ideal gift. “Seeing Yourself through God’s Eyes” helps readers discover their true identity as a child of God. Includes a Leader’s Guide for study groups. Get―and give―the devotional that has changed thousands of lives worldwide!

Received NRB's "Media Impact" Award
Presented to Hope For The Heart for its “consistent and unique impact within the Christian radio industry, and the body of Christ.” Pictured with NRB President Frank Wright.

Featured Speaker at “Women of Faith” Conferences
I had the honor of speaking to tens of thousands of women over the course of the year at these amazing conferences.

Hope for the Heart Resources Mobile App Released
The free app provides quick, easy-to-access, basic counseling references on 20 challenges experienced in everyday life – issues like Anger, Conflict Resolution, Depression, Domestic Violence, Fear, Forgiveness, Grief Recovery, Marriage, Self-Worth, Stress, Verbal & Emotional Abuse and more.

Hope for the Heart Celebrates 30 years of ministry.
I can’t imagine a greater privilege than serving Christ for 30 years through Hope For The Heart. Our 2015 Annual Report pictured these milestones in advance of our 2016 anniversary celebration.

Hope Announces First-Ever Strategy Officer
Dr. Eric Scalise is the former senior vice president of the American Association of Christian Counselors and previous department chair for counseling programs at Regent University. His goal is to merge 32 years of Hope-created content with strategies and tools to effectively disseminate the content worldwide.

"Hope in The Night” Celebrates 25 Years
For your daily helping of “biblical hope and practical help,” click here.

Landmark “Lifeline to Hope” Training Program Released
Lifeline to Hope is a unique training resource to equip caregivers. With a distinctive video-based and interactive group format, it offers a 10-week core program that includes a comprehensive Facilitator Manual, a Small Group Handout Packet, and an Administrative Packet. Zoom consultation with the course designers and lead trainers are also available after purchase. Click here for more information.

"Biblical Counseling Keys” renamed “Keys for Living”
The name change underscore the versatile nature of our flagship resource – they’re for more than counseling … they’re for coaching, self-study, and, well, living!